Research Study about Online Privacy and Chronic Illness

Who are we?
Faye Kollig - PhD Student in Information Science at CU Boulder and Researcher in the Internet Rules Lab

Casey Fiesler - Assistant Professor in Information Science at CU Boulder and Director of the Internet Rules Lab

What is the study about?
The purpose of this study is to understand the privacy concerns and strategies of people with chronic health conditions when sharing their experiences online, including their feelings about research conducted in these online spaces. We aim to improve the efficacy and ethicality of technology and research design using this data.

What do we need?

We are looking for people who are 18+, experience chronic mental or physical health condition(s), and share about their condition(s) on any social media platforms.

You will be asked to complete a short pre-interview questionnaire (10 to 20 minutes) that will prompt you to provide screenshots or descriptions of specific social media  posts you have made about chronic illness. You may be as general or specific as you wish in your responses; this questionnaire is intended to provide a jumping-off discussion point for the interview itself. The interview will take place over video chat, and only audio will be recorded. It will last 30 to 90 minutes. You will be compensated with a $30 USD gift card for your time and effort.

What do you need to do?

Please fill out the form below to let us know you are interested! We will get in touch with you to schedule an interview or will let you know if we already have enough participants. You can also use the form below to ask questions about the study. If, based on your answers, you do not qualify for this study, we will immediately discard any information that you  provided us. This study has been approved by the CU Boulder Institutional Review Board, and participants will receive further details before consenting to participate.

If you have any questions, you can reach the lead researcher at

Link to Interest Form!